Saturday, April 2, 2011

Earth Mandala

I was commissioned by a woman who owns a yoga business/studio to make a pair of mandalas, which will be printed and hung on the walls. :) I already finished the first one, which is the one below!

That one is of the sun and the moon, so naturally the next one is of the earth! This one is a work in progress.
Here is the original sketch:

Here are the lines:

I haven't finished the lines yet, but I have most of them down. I still need to draw the continents on the globe and finish the sun and moon. The moon is on the bottom, and the sun is on the top.

Edit: I finished the lines! Here they are: 

I'm still debating about colors, but I'm thinking of using some earthy tones, as well as some greens and blues. I'm not at all sure about what colors to use for the birds, though!

Thanks for stopping by! If you have any ideas for the colors, please comment!


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